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    [Bash] 어렵다.. 링크 저장중.

    Bash 입문자를 위한 핵심 요약 정리 (Shell Script) 고급 Bash 스크립팅 가이드 What is the difference between the Bash operators [[ vs [ vs ( vs ((? bash substring extraction

    [Linux] Linux timezone 설정 명령어

    Background 다른 실습 중 conf 파일을 파일명+date.bak으로 백업해서 진행중이다. Linux 배포판 초기에는 UST/PST 등의 기준으로 설정되어있다. Common Ubuntu and CentOS Ubuntu version >= 16.04 CentOS >= 7 $ date Mon Jan 11 09:17:45 KST 2021 Version 1. tzdata를 ln으로 링크 /usr/share/zoneinfo 파일에서 나라별 timezone을 확인할 수 있다. /usr/share/zoneinfo 경로의 파일과 링크 $ ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Seoul /etc/localtime Version 2. timezonectl 이용 $ timedatectl set-t..

    [OS] Computer System Architecture : Processors

    Types of Computer System based on number of General Purpose Processors 1. Single Processor Systems 2. Multiprocessor Systems 3. Clustered Systems 1. Single Processor Systems One main CPU capable of executing a general purpose instruction set including instructions from user processes. Other special purpose processors are also present which perform device specific tasks "Sepecial purpose processo..

    [OS] Basics of OS ( I/O Structure)

    Storage is only one of many types of I/O devices within a computer A large portion of operating system code is dedicated to managing I/O, both becasuse of its importance to the reliability and performance of a system and because of the varying nature of the devices → Relibility and Performance of System greatly depends upon "How its input and output are managed in varying nature of the devices" ..

    [OS] Basics of OS ( Storage Structure)

    Register Smallest Storage Store data in bits (0, 1) Access very Quickly RAM ( Random Access Memory ) Load and Execute programs that are saved in secondary memory Fast but limited size(Cannot sotre all of data in main memory), Volitaile in nature Volatile → Loses its contents when power is removed Non-Volatile → Retains its contents even when power is removed Youtube Neso Academy 강의를 듣고 정리한 글입니다.

    [OS] Basics of OS : Computer System Operation

    Some basic knowledge of the structure of Computer System is required to understand how Operating Systems work. → A modern general-purpose computer system consists of one or more CPUs and a number of device controllers connected through a common bus that provides access to shared memory. Each device controller is in charge of a specific type of device The CPU and the device controllers can execut..